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Rocko's Modern Life Wiki

She's the Toad

She's the Toad is episode 16b of Rocko's Modern Life. In this episode on the eve of his huge proposal at work, an overworked Mr. Bighead has a nervous breakdown, so Mrs. Bighead fills his position at Conglom-O.


At Conglom-O, Ed is working at his office and Mr. Dupette tells him that he is looking forward for his proposal tomorrow, and if it isn't good, he is fired. He starts screaming in terror and bursts into tears and the camera zooms in his mouth right before zooming out to show him in bed with Bev, who tells him to get a grip, realizing he had a nightmare. Bev tells him that she can turn the business around, which causes Ed to scoff at this since Bev isn't experienced at business. Just then, Bev gets a call from Conglom-O, saying that Ed need to give the reposal tomorrow, or he is fired. So Bev finishes Ed's proposal for him while Ed is in a nervous breakdown.

The next day, Bev hands Ed, who is still stiff from last night, his proposal to him. But suddenly, Ed falls unconscious to the ground, causing his head to shatter in pieces like a vase. So Bev decides to get Heffer and Filburt, who were at Rocko's front door to wait for their friend to wake up, to dress as Ed, making a disguise of him. The disguised friends ride with Bev to Conglom-O and head to the Board Executive room, where they read the proposal to Mr. Dupette and the other employees. When they like the proposal, Heffer and Filburt finally reveal their selves in front of them. Mr. Dupette demands them to tell him where Ed is and Heffer and Filburt tell them that Bev made them do it. Mr. Dupette is then impressed and meets Bev outside to praise her for her written proposal.

Bev is then hired to Conglom-O and turns the business around. Back at the Bigheads' house, Heffer and Filburt sneak into the Bigheads' bedroom, where Ed is lying on the bed still in a nervous breakdown. They play as Ed's conscience and Ed's mouth falls off his face. When Heffer and Filburt pop the eyeballs of the disguise, Ed screams, causing the other two to scream as well.

Back at Conglom-O, Bev feels depressed of the fact that Ed isn't at work anymore and starts missing him greatly. Soon, the word spreads through the business building and the employees wear hand-made hats of Ed's face as surprise for Bev. She also has an interview with Mr. Dupette, who says that business in Conglom-O has improved greatly since Bev has took Ed's place. He is later devastated when Bev tells him that she is no longer working at the place and that Ed will be back to take her place.

Ed and Bev are later seen going on vacation, using the building as a vehicle, leaving the rest of the employees outside. Heffer and Filburt are then seen in their Ed Bighead disguise getting the staff to say "wee wee."

Characters Present[]


  • Both this episode and the previous one, "The Lounge Singer", have Rocko in a small role. In this episode, he only appears when he wakes up and sees Heffer and Filbert dressed as Mr. Bighead. Except for a yawn, he has no lines.
  • At the end of the episode, Mr. Bighead can be seen wearing Rocko's shirt.
  • Ed repeats Rocko's phrase ("Garbage day is a very dangerous day!") in this episode.
  • Heffer says he died once, referring to his near-death experience in the episode "To Heck and Back".


Mrs. Bighead: Ed, honey, would you say current volume statistics this quarter are...?
Mr. Bighead: (delirious) Garbage day is a very dangerous day.
Mrs. Bighead: Never mind.
Heffer: You know, I died once.
Filburt: Yeah?
Mrs. Bighead: Any questions?
Filburt: Yeah. How come Mr. Bighead has four legs?
Louise: Morning, Mr. Bighead. Feeling better today?
Heffer: Okay, watch this. (imitating Mr. Bighead) I'm Mr. Bighead, and, boy, am I ever grouchy!
Louise: Of course you are, sir. The board is expecting you.
Filburt: Thank you.
Heffer: This guy is asking too many questions. What do I do?
Filburt: I dunno. Punch him!
Heffer: Well, "Mr. Bighead"?
Filburt: Let's go make mischief!
Filburt: Ed... Ed... You have been charged with treason. How do you plead, Froggy-Lips?
Heffer: He looks funny.
Filburt: Shut up! Ed Bighead, I am your conscience...
Heffer: I'm his conscience, too.
Filburt: What?
Heffer: Don't say, "I", say "we".
Filburt: What?
Heffer: "We!" "We!"
Filburt: Oh, okay. We we.
Heffer: (giggles) You said, "Wee wee!" Say it again!
Filburt: Wee wee!
Heffer: (giggles)
Filburt: Citizens of Conglom-O, repeat after me: Wee wee!
Conglom-O staff: Wee wee!
Heffer: (giggles) Say it again!
Conglom-O staff: Wee wee! Wee wee! Wee wee! Wee wee!
ve Episodes
Season 1 A Sucker for the Suck-O-MaticCannedCarnival KnowledgeSand in Your NavelNo Pain, No GainWho Gives a BuckLeap FrogsBedfellowsJet ScreamDirty DogKeeping Up With the BigheadsSkid MarksPower TripTo Heck and BackThe Good, The Bad, and The WallabyTrash-O-MadnessSpitballsPopcorn PandemoniumCabin FeverRinse & SpitRocko's Happy SackFlu-In-U-EnzaWho's For Dinner?Love SpankedClean Lovin'Unbalanced Load
Season 2 I Have No Son!Pipe DreamsTickled PinkyThe Lounge SingerShe's the ToadDown the HatchRoad RashBoob TubedCommuted SentenceRocko's Modern ChristmasHut Sut RawKiss Me I'm ForeignCruisinBorn to SpawnUniform BehaviorHair LickedGutter BallsJunk JunkiesDay of the FleckoSnowballsFrog's Best FriendShort StoryEyes Capades
Season 3 Bye, Bye BirdieBelch of DestinyThe Emperor's New JoeSchnit-headsSugar Frosted FrightsEd is Dead: A Thriller!Fish-N-ChumpsCamera ShyNothing To Sneeze AtOld Fogey FroggyManic MechanicRocko's Happy VerminI See London, I See FranceThe FatlandsFortune CookieDear JohnSpeaking TermsTooth and NailWacky DellyThe Big QuestionThe Big AnswerAn Elk for HefferScrubbin' Down UnderZanzibar!Fatal Contraption
Season 4 With Friends Like TheseSailing the 7 Zzz'sPrankstersFrom Here to MaternityEd Good, Rocko BadTeed OffWimp on the BarbyYarnbendersMama's BoyFeisty GeistS.W.A.K.Magic MeatballCloset ClownSeat to StardomThe High Five of DoomFly BurgersHeff in a HandbasketWallaby on WheelsDumbellsRug BirdsHypno-Puppy LuvDriving Mrs. WolfePut to PastureFuture SchlockTurkey TimeFloundering Fathers