Rocko's Modern Life Wiki
Rocko's Modern Life Wiki

Seat to Stardom

Seat to Stardom is episode 46b of Rocko's Modern Life. In this episode, Rocko becomes a famous underwear model, Wedgie Boy. The lack of free time stains his friendship with Heffer.


Rocko attempts to get Really Really Big Man's autograph while the superhero is putting his hands into the wet cement of the sidewalk along with the other body part prints of celebrities on the pavement. However, Rocko ends up being pushed by photographers and flies off, landing into the wet cement rear first before he is tossed away by security.

The next day, Rocko, Heffer, and Filburt are inside Rocko's house reading the newspaper while eating breakfast. The picture shows Rocko's rear when he flew in front of Really Really Big Man's face, much to Rocko's embarrassment. When this spreads over O-Town, the block with the bottom prints is taken to the mall so the person could become an underwear model as the "Wedgie Boy". When Rocko sits on the block, he becomes the new Wedgie Boy.

Rocko takes pictures at the Fab Photo building and walks in front of the audience. His rear makes him famous in O-Town and while he and Heffer are sitting at the bus stop, he gets chased by female birds and runs home. Rocko starts to get a bit annoyed of this. But things gets worse when Heffer calls him and Rocko doesn't answer since he is too busy modeling. By the time Rocko gets home to call Heffer, the steer, feeling betrayed that Rocko didn't show up to watch monster movies with him, deliberately refuses to call him. Rocko then realizes that fame is alienating his friend from him, and decides to do everything he can to get out of it.

The next day, Rocko finally gets a hold of Heffer, only to get his phone call interrupted by the managers at Fab Photo. Heffer thinks that Rocko has told him off and decides to give Rocko a piece of his mind tomorrow. The next night, at the Underwear Expo fashion show, Heffer meets up with Rocko to find that the manager and her assistants had really tried to angrily pushed out Rocko to forget about his personal life. When Rocko tells Heffer about his struggle with fame and how (obviously) sick he is of it, Heffer puts on a G-string and shows off at the fashion show. He eventually becomes the new underwear model and as the prints "The End" are shown, he makes butt puns.

Characters Featured[]


  • This episode's plot was reused for the Uncle Grandpa episode "Watermelon Gag".
  • This is the second time where Rocko gets another wedgie, with the first one being in "I Have No Son" and this episode.
  • This episode, along with its sister episode "Closet Clown", wasn't broadcast on NickRewind until February 15, 2021, likely because of the homosexual theme in the previous episode.

Cultural References[]

  • The title card is a parody of the logo for sunscreen brand Coppertone. Also, Spunky only appears on the title card for this episode.
  • The "FLASH!" logo at the start of The Newscaster's news bulletin about Leena finding out whose butt matches the cemented bottom prints is reminiscent of the "NEWS FLASH" logo seen at the start of Kermit the Frog's special reports on Sesame Street in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • The commercial Heffer watches in which Rocko tells the viewers "Don't hate me because I wear Wedgie Boy" is based on the commercials actress Kelly LeBrock did for Pantine Shampoo in the 80's and 90's, in which she would tell the viewers, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful".


  • In the message Heffer leaves for Rocko, he calls to see if they were still on for watching monster movies tonight. But when Rocko plays the message back on his answering machine, Heffer says "VIDEOS" instead of "movies".
  • Heffer says he's going to the fashion show "tomorrow" and give Rocko a piece of his mind, but the newspaper he holds says the fashion show is "today".


Rocko: Can you see anything, Heff?
Heffer: Just the back of a bunch of heads. How about you, Rocko?
Rocko: Naw. Looks like a forest of ankles down here. Filburt?
Filburt: (looking at someone's butt crack) I've got a bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon.
Really Really Big Man: Kids, don't try this at home.
Filburt: (reading newspaper) "Bottoms Up for Big Man!"
Rocko: (reading card) "Stop and turn back gracefully."
Rocko: Everyone's bonkers for me bum.
Chair: Hey, sit on me!
Rocko: All this commotion over my behind?
Rocko: Excuse me?
Director: Cut!
Rocko: What does this have to do with underwear?
Director: Everything!
Heffer's outgoing message: This is Heff. At the sign of the tone, please leave a message, unless you're a Wedgie Boy who's too famous and busy to bother with his friends.
Rocko: (on TV) Don't hate me because I wear a Wedgie Boy.
Heffer: (switching off the TV) Too late.
Fashion Lady: Listen you litle rodent, you don't have your personal life. And another thing, i'm don't care who calls for you. You don't HAVE friends anymore! You're a PRODUCT! PEROID! NOW YOU GOT THAT, WEDGIE BOY!?!
Heffer: "The End!" Get it?! "The End"?! (laughs) No "butts" about it!

ve Episodes
Season 1 A Sucker for the Suck-O-MaticCannedCarnival KnowledgeSand in Your NavelNo Pain, No GainWho Gives a BuckLeap FrogsBedfellowsJet ScreamDirty DogKeeping Up With the BigheadsSkid MarksPower TripTo Heck and BackThe Good, The Bad, and The WallabyTrash-O-MadnessSpitballsPopcorn PandemoniumCabin FeverRinse & SpitRocko's Happy SackFlu-In-U-EnzaWho's For Dinner?Love SpankedClean Lovin'Unbalanced Load
Season 2 I Have No Son!Pipe DreamsTickled PinkyThe Lounge SingerShe's the ToadDown the HatchRoad RashBoob TubedCommuted SentenceRocko's Modern ChristmasHut Sut RawKiss Me I'm ForeignCruisinBorn to SpawnUniform BehaviorHair LickedGutter BallsJunk JunkiesDay of the FleckoSnowballsFrog's Best FriendShort StoryEyes Capades
Season 3 Bye, Bye BirdieBelch of DestinyThe Emperor's New JoeSchnit-headsSugar Frosted FrightsEd is Dead: A Thriller!Fish-N-ChumpsCamera ShyNothing To Sneeze AtOld Fogey FroggyManic MechanicRocko's Happy VerminI See London, I See FranceThe FatlandsFortune CookieDear JohnSpeaking TermsTooth and NailWacky DellyThe Big QuestionThe Big AnswerAn Elk for HefferScrubbin' Down UnderZanzibar!Fatal Contraption
Season 4 With Friends Like TheseSailing the 7 Zzz'sPrankstersFrom Here to MaternityEd Good, Rocko BadTeed OffWimp on the BarbyYarnbendersMama's BoyFeisty GeistS.W.A.K.Magic MeatballCloset ClownSeat to StardomThe High Five of DoomFly BurgersHeff in a HandbasketWallaby on WheelsDumbellsRug BirdsHypno-Puppy LuvDriving Mrs. WolfePut to PastureFuture SchlockTurkey TimeFloundering Fathers