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Rocko's Modern Life Wiki

Rinse & Spit

"Rinse & Spit" is an episode of the first season from Rocko's Modern Life. In series' production order, it is the second segment of the thirteenth and final episode of the first season, as well as the twenty-sixth episode overall, serving as the season finale.[1]


Filburt recruits Rocko to help him pass his dentist's exam.


Filburt chases Heffer around the neighborhood armed with pliers and Heffer runs to Rocko's house, hiding behind the sofa. Filburt arrives as well and asks Rocko if he would like to be his patient for his final dental exam. However, Rocko tells him that his teeth are already perfect. When Filburt finally reminds Rocko how he saved him from a beating from a gang of bullies on the playground during their childhood, Rocko reluctantly agrees to take part in Filburt's exam. At the Academy O-Dentistry, Filburt inspects Rocko's teeth and comes across a tooth with a cavity. Filburt gives Rocko water to rinse his mouth off and spit it out into the sink. The turtle them performs an x-ray on Rocko's teeth by placing electrodes on the tooth with the cavity, angering the tooth as it tries to escape from Rocko's mouth. It uses the X-O-Matic to free itself and grow into a large tooth monster. Rocko tries to keep it under control, but to no avail. The tooth monster grabs Rocko and heads to the city of O-Town. Filburt tries to abandon his exam, but Dr. Hutchison, the teacher of the exam, reminds him that he now has to pursue the tooth monster, which the turtle complies to. He dresses as a tooth fairy and scales the top building of Conglom-O, where he confronts the tooth monster in top of the roof. When Dr. Hutchison's hook falls off as the tooth monster grabs her, Rocko tells Filburt to aim for the cavity (which he is secretly in despair of since Filburt is a terrible thrower). Filburt fortuitously tosses the hook to the cavity, which cause the tooth monster to drop Rocko and Dr. Hutchison on the roof and land down the ground below. Dr. Hutchison retrieves her hook and the tooth shrinks back to size. it runs in a can, and Rocko picks the can up and places his tooth back inside his mouth. Filburt gets a medal for his work, but his diploma is nullified due to his inept dental skills. Discouraged, Filburt walks away and sits on the curb of the sidewalk. Rocko comes to his side and coaxes him. Filburt then tells him that he was never planning to be a dentist anyway, but a chimney sweeper instead (while singing a song of it as well). Rocko quickly cuts him off and tells Filburt to walk with him to get a soda, but this time, without a song. After the iris end, a talking foot named Gordon explain good oral hygiene to the audience right before riding away in a taxi cab.



  • This episode's plot was reused for the I Am Weasel episode "The Sorcerer's a Dentist".
  • This episode's title is a play on the phrase "rise and shine."
  • First appearance of Dr. Hutchison and her only appearance as a dentist. She would later go on to be a surgeon, a pharmacist, and a dog health specialist.
  • The lines "Well, it did it. The hook killed him." and "No, it wasn't the hook. 'Twas tartar that killed the beast" is a parody of the ending lines of King Kong.
  • At the end, when Filburt reveals he wanted to be a chimney sweep, he launches into a parody of the "Lumberjack Song" from Monty Python's Flying Circus. However, Rocko cuts him off before he can "sing...sing...sing..." This scene is also a reference to Bert, the singing chimney sweep from Mary Poppins.
  • In Rocko's flashback to his childhood, the poodle bullies comment to him on Spunky, "That's a sweet puppy you got there, Roo." Roo is the name of Kanga's child in the Winnie the Pooh stories and the animated Disney adaptations.
  • Goof: Rocko seems to be childhood friends with Filburt, while we know he arrived from Australia as a young adult.
  • This is one of two episodes to be about hygiene, the second one being "Scrubbin' Down Under".
  • During his review of the show, internet celebrity Nostalgia Critic (Doug Walker) chose this episode and after maniacally going throw how crazy the episode was, screamed at the true "weird part": Gordon.


Filburt: Isn't she cute?


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
ve Episodes
Season 1 A Sucker for the Suck-O-MaticCannedCarnival KnowledgeSand in Your NavelNo Pain, No GainWho Gives a BuckLeap FrogsBedfellowsJet ScreamDirty DogKeeping Up With the BigheadsSkid MarksPower TripTo Heck and BackThe Good, The Bad, and The WallabyTrash-O-MadnessSpitballsPopcorn PandemoniumCabin FeverRinse & SpitRocko's Happy SackFlu-In-U-EnzaWho's For Dinner?Love SpankedClean Lovin'Unbalanced Load
Season 2 I Have No Son!Pipe DreamsTickled PinkyThe Lounge SingerShe's the ToadDown the HatchRoad RashBoob TubedCommuted SentenceRocko's Modern ChristmasHut Sut RawKiss Me I'm ForeignCruisinBorn to SpawnUniform BehaviorHair LickedGutter BallsJunk JunkiesDay of the FleckoSnowballsFrog's Best FriendShort StoryEyes Capades
Season 3 Bye, Bye BirdieBelch of DestinyThe Emperor's New JoeSchnit-headsSugar Frosted FrightsEd is Dead: A Thriller!Fish-N-ChumpsCamera ShyNothing To Sneeze AtOld Fogey FroggyManic MechanicRocko's Happy VerminI See London, I See FranceThe FatlandsFortune CookieDear JohnSpeaking TermsTooth and NailWacky DellyThe Big QuestionThe Big AnswerAn Elk for HefferScrubbin' Down UnderZanzibar!Fatal Contraption
Season 4 With Friends Like TheseSailing the 7 Zzz'sPrankstersFrom Here to MaternityEd Good, Rocko BadTeed OffWimp on the BarbyYarnbendersMama's BoyFeisty GeistS.W.A.K.Magic MeatballCloset ClownSeat to StardomThe High Five of DoomFly BurgersHeff in a HandbasketWallaby on WheelsDumbellsRug BirdsHypno-Puppy LuvDriving Mrs. WolfePut to PastureFuture SchlockTurkey TimeFloundering Fathers