Rocko's Modern Life Wiki
Rocko's Modern Life Wiki

This is a list of Rocko's Modern Life episodes. The series ran from September 18, 1993 to August 7, 2000 with 187 episodes (or 151 segments) and 6 seasons.

A television special, Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling, was released on Netflix on August 9, 2019.


Season Episodes Segments Originally aired
Season premiere Season finale
1 13 26 September 18, 1993 January 2, 1994
2 13 23 September 25, 1994 March 12, 1995
3 13 25 October 22, 1995 April 21, 1996
4 13 26 July 8, 1996 November 24, 1996
5 80 26 January 13, 1997 October 12, 1998
6 55 25 June 21, 1999 August 7, 2000
Static Cling August 9, 2019

List of episodes[]

Season 1 (1993-1994)[]

No Episode Release Date
1 Carnival KnowledgeHQ Carnival Knowledge September 19, 1993[1]
Sand In Your NavelHQ Sand in Your Navel
2 A Sucker for the Suck-O-Matic A Sucker for the Suck-O-Matic September 18, 1993[2]
CannedHQ Canned
3 Rocko's Happy Sack Rocko's Happy Sack October 10, 1993[3]
Flu-In-U-EnzaHQ Flu-In-U-Enza
4 Who's For Dinner Who's For Dinner October 3, 1993[4]
Love SpankedHQ Love Spanked
5 Clean Lovin'HQ Clean Lovin' October 24, 1993[5]
Unbalanced LoadHQ Unbalanced Load
6 Leap Leap Frogs October 31, 1993[6]
Bedfellows Bedfellows
7 Title-NoPainNoGain No Pain, No Gain November 14, 1993[7]
Buck Who Gives a Buck
8 JetScreamTitle Jet Scream November 21, 1993[8]
Dirty Dog Dirty Dog
9 Title-KeepingUpWithTheBigheads Keeping Up With the Bigheads December 5, 1993[9]
Skid MarksHQ Skid Marks
10 Title-TheGoodTheBadAndTheWallaby The Good, the Bad and the Wallaby December 12, 1993[10]
Trash-O-Madness Trash-O-Madness
11 Power Trip Power Trip December 19, 1993[11]
To Heck and Back To Heck and Back
12 SpitballsHQ Spitballs December 26, 1993[12]
Popcorn PandemoniumHQ Popcorn Pandemonium
13 Cabin FeverHQ Cabin Fever January 2, 1994[13]
Rinse and SpitHQ Rinse & Spit

Season 2 (1994–1995)[]

No Episode Release Date
1 Title-IHaveNoSon I Have No Son September 25, 1994
2 Pipe dreams title card Pipe Dreams October 2, 1994
Tickled pinky title card Tickled Pinky
3 The Lounge Singer The Lounge Singer October 9, 1994
Vlcsnap-2012-03-05-22h42m20s105 She's the Toad
4 Down the Hatch Down the Hatch October 23, 1994
Road Rash Road Rash
5 Boob tubed title card Boob Tubed November 6, 1994
Commuted sentence title card Commuted Sentence
6 Rocko's Modern Christmas Rocko's Modern Christmas December 1, 1994
7 Vlcsnap-2013-04-03-16h28m14s182 Hut Sut Raw December 4, 1994
Kiss Me I'm Foreign Kiss Me I'm Foreign
8 Cruisin Cruisin' January 1, 1995
9 Born to Spawn Born to Spawn January 22, 1995
Uniform Behavior Uniform Behavior
10 Hair Licked Hair Licked January 29, 1995
Gutter Balls Gutter Balls
11 Junk Junkies Junk Junkies February 12, 1995
Day of the Flecko Day of the Flecko
12 Snowballs Snowballs February 26, 1995
Frogs Best Friend Frog's Best Friend
13 Short Story Short Story March 12, 1995
Eyes Capades Eyes Capades

Season 3 (1995–1996)[]

No Episode Release Date
1 Bye, Bye, Birdie Bye, Bye Birdie October 22, 1995
Images-6 Belch of Destiny
2 The Emperors New Joe The Emperor's New Joe October 29, 1995
Schnit heads Schnit-heads
3 Sugar Frosted Frights Sugar Frosted Frights October 31, 1995
Ed is dead Ed is Dead: A Thriller!
4 Fish n Chumps Fish-N-Chumps November 12, 1995
Camera shy Camera Shy
5 Nothing to Sneeze at Nothing To Sneeze At November 19, 1995
Old Fogey Froggy Old Fogey Froggy
6 Maniac Mechanic Manic Mechanic December 3, 1995
Rockos Happy Vermin Rocko's Happy Vermin
7 I see London, I see France I See London, I See France December 10, 1995
The Fatlands The Fatlands
8 Fortune Cookie Fortune Cookie December 17, 1995
Dear John Dear John
9 Speaking Terms Speaking Terms December 31, 1995
Tooth and Nail Tooth and Nail
10 Title-WackyDelly Wacky Delly January 21, 1996
11 The Big Question The Big Question January 28, 1996
The Big Answer The Big Answer
12 An Elk for Heffer An Elk for Heffer February 11, 1996
Scrubbin Down Under Scrubbin' Down Under
13 Zanzibar Zanzibar April 21, 1996
Fatal Contraption Fatal Contraption

Season 4 (1996)[]

No Episode Release Date
1 With Friends Like These With Friends Like These July 8, 1996
Sailing the Seven ZZZ Sailing the Seven Zzz's
2 Pranksters Pranksters July 9, 1996
From Here To Maternity From Here to Maternity
3 Ed Good, Rocko Bad Ed Good Rocko Bad July 10, 1996
Teed Off Teed Off
4 Wimp on the Barby Wimp on the Barby July 11, 1996
Yarnbenders Yarnbenders
5 Mammas Boy Mama's Boy July 12, 1996
Feisty Geist Feisty Geist
6 S.W.A.K. S.W.A.K. July 15, 1996
Magic Meatball Magic Meatball
7 Closet Clown Closet Clown July 16, 1996
Seat to Stardom Seat to Stardom
8 The High Five of Doom The High Five of Doom July 17, 1996
Fly Burgers Fly Burgers
9 Heff in a Handbasket Heff in a Handbasket July 18, 1996
Wallaby on Wheels Wallaby on Wheels
10 Dumbells Dumbells July 19, 1996
Rug Birds Rug Birds
11 Hypno-Puppy Luv Hypno-Puppy Luv October 8, 1996
Driving Mrs Wolfe Driving Mrs. Wolfe
12 Put to Pasture Put to Pasture October 10, 1996
Future Schlock Future Schlock
13 Title-TurkeyTime Turkey Time November 24, 1996
Floundering Fathers

Floundering Fathers

Season 5 (1997-1998)[]

[Coming soon...]

Season 6 (1999-2000)[]

[Coming soon...]

Static Cling (2019)[]

Static Cling is a television special set 20 years after the events of "Future Schlock". It centers around Rocko, who is confused and scared about all the changes in O-Town since his absence, and he sets out to bring back The Fatheads from cancellation.

Originally set to premiere on Nickelodeon in spring 2018, it would later premiere on Netflix on August 9, 2019.


  • None of the episodes were in the right production order.
  • There are 100 episode segments in total.
  • Each Season contained of 13 half-hour episodes, this could reference the bad luck that most characters suffer during the show.

ve Episodes
Season 1 A Sucker for the Suck-O-MaticCannedCarnival KnowledgeSand in Your NavelNo Pain, No GainWho Gives a BuckLeap FrogsBedfellowsJet ScreamDirty DogKeeping Up With the BigheadsSkid MarksPower TripTo Heck and BackThe Good, The Bad, and The WallabyTrash-O-MadnessSpitballsPopcorn PandemoniumCabin FeverRinse & SpitRocko's Happy SackFlu-In-U-EnzaWho's For Dinner?Love SpankedClean Lovin'Unbalanced Load
Season 2 I Have No Son!Pipe DreamsTickled PinkyThe Lounge SingerShe's the ToadDown the HatchRoad RashBoob TubedCommuted SentenceRocko's Modern ChristmasHut Sut RawKiss Me I'm ForeignCruisinBorn to SpawnUniform BehaviorHair LickedGutter BallsJunk JunkiesDay of the FleckoSnowballsFrog's Best FriendShort StoryEyes Capades
Season 3 Bye, Bye BirdieBelch of DestinyThe Emperor's New JoeSchnit-headsSugar Frosted FrightsEd is Dead: A Thriller!Fish-N-ChumpsCamera ShyNothing To Sneeze AtOld Fogey FroggyManic MechanicRocko's Happy VerminI See London, I See FranceThe FatlandsFortune CookieDear JohnSpeaking TermsTooth and NailWacky DellyThe Big QuestionThe Big AnswerAn Elk for HefferScrubbin' Down UnderZanzibar!Fatal Contraption
Season 4 With Friends Like TheseSailing the 7 Zzz'sPrankstersFrom Here to MaternityEd Good, Rocko BadTeed OffWimp on the BarbyYarnbendersMama's BoyFeisty GeistS.W.A.K.Magic MeatballCloset ClownSeat to StardomThe High Five of DoomFly BurgersHeff in a HandbasketWallaby on WheelsDumbellsRug BirdsHypno-Puppy LuvDriving Mrs. WolfePut to PastureFuture SchlockTurkey TimeFloundering Fathers
  1. September 19, 1993 on Nickstory
  2. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  3. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  4. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  5. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  6. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  7. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  8. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  9. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  10. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  11. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  12. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.
  13. "Rocko's Modern Life". Nickandmore!.