Driving Mrs. Wolfe is episode 50B of Rocko's Modern Life. It first aired on October 8, 1996.
Virginia Wolfe, Heffer's mother, asks Rocko to teach her how to drive.
The first scene shows Rocko driving with Virginia in a car rally, horrified as Virginia is about to collide to another rowdy driver. The scene stops as Rocko fast-forwards to the events prior to the scene to elucidate how everything began.
The plot begins with Virgina in the brand new car George bought. During dinner, the Wolfe family asks George when the car will be driven. When Virginia asks to drive the car, George refuses to let anyone drive the car, especially Virginia since she is a terrible driver. George puts the key in his newly-built security system so no one would take it to drive it.
The next day, Rocko arrives at the Wolfes' house and comes across Virginia, who asks Rocko to take her to the store. When she tells him about her inept driving skills, Rocko teaches her by showing her how to drive around the lights poles. However, Virginia ends up crashing into every last one of them. Realizing what will precipitate later on, Rocko has him and Virginia wearing helmets to prepare for any imminent accidents. He teaches Virginia how to get intro speeding traffic. Virginia makes it through, but ends up crashing into a fire hydrant, flooding the car. Rocko then teaches her how to parallel park and read street signs, with minimal success. But when he teaches her how to stop at railway crossings, she stops directly on the tracks and a speeding train crashes into them.
By the time Virginia rides back home, she and Rocko exit out and Rocko's car is destroyed completely. Virginia then turns off the security system of the house and swipes the key for the Wolfes' car, which she drives with Rocko in to take him home. When she rides on the highway, she ends up passing the exit that leads to Rocko's house and ends up in the O-Town Demolition Derby, much to the Wolfe family's shock. The other cars attempt to crash into Rocko and Virginia, only for them to get crashed themselves, leaving the Thrasher to crash into the Wolfes' car. Virgina is about to collide to the crasher, and a frantic Rocko lets out a horrified scream. But the Thrasher zips past the car and tips a fire hydrant, causing his truck to flood. Virginia ends up winning the Demolition Derby and Rocko is dropped off at home. George is excited that his car is okay and has gain recognition from a successful drive.
Later, the Wolfe family put the car into the garage and George compliments his wife, promising to get her license. Heffer and his siblings ask if they can drive the car, as George and Virginia still deny them. George closes the garage door, causing the material on the shelf to fall onto it.
Characters Featured[]
- Rocko
- Heffer
- Virginia Wolfe
- George Wolfe
- Peter Wolfe
- Cindy Wolfe
- Hiram Wolfe
- Unknown Girl with Glasses
- Wild Pig
- Rachel Bighead
- This episode's name is a parody of the film Driving Miss Daisy.
- This episode marks the final appearance of Heffer's family.
- This is the only episode where Veronica Alicino wrote the story and Antoine Guilbaud, the background designer served as the assistant director, storyboard artist and additional writer along with Dan Povenmire.
- In production order, this is the final appearance of Rocko's orange car. It gets destroyed during Virginia's driving lesson, including falling off a building, ramming into several fire hydrants, being smashed by a train, spontaneously bursting into flames, and being flattened by a meteor. In airing order, "Floundering Fathers" (the final episode in airing order) was the last appearance of Rocko's car.
- Rocko: Yeah, that's me. Speeding headlong toward certain destruction with Heff's mom at the wheel. How did I get into this improbable situation? It all started a few days ago. Y'see, Heff's dad had finally bought a new car.
- Heffer: I wanna drive it to Rocko's house!
- Cindy: I could drive it to my poetry readings.
- Grandpa Wolfe: I wanna drive it, too!
- Peter: Yeah, right, Grandpa.
- Grandpa Wolfe: (in an iron lung) I'll steer with my gums!
- Virginia: George, when did you build this?
- George: Last night. Do you like it?
- Peter: Dad's got too much free time.
- Heffer: It's blockin' the TV!
- (Rocko and Virginia drive up to a grade crossing as the warning lights start flashing.)
- Rocko: That's a train crossing, Mrs. Wolfe! Stop! Hit the brakes!!!
- Virginia: Brake, let's see... There, that's one of these pedals, right? Ah, here it is! (stops directly on the railroad track) There. That was a nice smooth stop, wasn't it?
- Rocko: (increasing panic) ARE YOU CRAZY?! DON'T STOP ON THE TRACKS!!!
- Virginia: You don't have to yell. When you yell at me, I get all flustered.
- Virginia: Well, we're not going anywhere until you change your tone.
- Rocko: (chuckles nervously) Okay... could you please...
- (But it's too late; the train hits the car at high speed. After it crosses, debris from the car falls onto the track.)
- Virginia: Well, it's a good thing we were wearing our seatbelts.
- (Virginia and Rocko drive up to the Wolfe house and get our of Rocko's car, all smashed up from the train collision.)
- Virginia: All in all, I think your car fared pretty well. You may want to get the bumper straightened out, though.
- (The front bumper falls off, the car sulks to its side, spontaneously combusts into flame, and then a meteor crushes it from the sky.)
- Heffer: Yeah! Let's eat some smashin'!
- Cindy: This is barbaric.
- Driver: I'm gonna smash you, lady!
- Virginia: Now that's not very nice.
- (A car smashes into the grandstand and goes flying.)
- Audience member 1: (to an elephant in a guzzler helmet) Hey, you in the hat, I can't see!
- (The car lands on the bench and sends the elephant flying.)
- Audience member 2: Hey, you in the car, I can't see!
- Virginia: It's raining cars. How strange.